However, Tacx also sees that not all consumers are buying via this route, so that is the reason we made the analyzing tool on our website ( This tool is helping the customer, via some questions, to the correct solution. The feedback support (via or is more related when questions cannot be answered from our tool, or license questions. We are using our SLA in this, but notice also on forums that people expect quicker response in some cases. In the next season we will use a track and trace support desk system so this can be better monitored and increase our people on our support desk.
Tacx Tts 2.0 Licensel
While personally I rarely had any of the software issues in connecting Ray has had, I have noted several similar in the tacx forum posts, but I found my own to be fine. My own tip here is to make triple sure your computer has the ooomph in it to power the software.
Our initial idea was to train and race with friends from remote during wintertime. Well, we nearly never did that. Not because we didnt take the time. But it is not easy to get ready to a certain point of time. You have to prepare yourself and your bike nearly like you do for an outdoor session. Plus you have to get connected to the computer, get the software working, have the licenses accepted and be lucky that the tacx multiplayer server is available with full functionality. We hardly never got all this going together. If, by chance, we really started a race in multiplayer mode it never worked like we expected it to work. There are a lot of settings you can vary with tremendous influence on your performance. 35 mph avarage speed or 20mph top speed on a road can be the effect if you, by chance or intentionally, calibrate or adjust wrongly. Additionaly, a lot of evenings in December the multiplayer servers werent working properly. So we gave up the multiplayer thing.
I already listed my PITAs earlier in the thread. Since then I gave another chance to Tacx and paid for Google licence. But Street View does not work. I checked both TTS3 and TTS4 forum on The only difference between the users of the two software versions that TTS4 users at least heard some rumors that it would be fixed in 4.7, while TTS3 users gave up saying that Tacx was focusing only on TTS4.
Hi, very good review thanks, I bought my Tacx I-Genius last september and it has been working so nicely, no problems what so ever, i have been using it almost every day in the cold winter in Montréal. I have bought some Tacx film, but mostly i have been creating routes with the google licence, it is very amazing, also i was able to download my last summer rides that i have done and save with Endomondo apps on my Samsung Galaxy, so all the rides i have done are now on my tacx trainer, so i could chose so many different rides to train all winter long. 45min. to an hour a day of Tacx trainer with always a different scenery, best of all is the analyser in the software, you are able to see the ameliorations of your training with the watss per kg, of each training. Very Good trainer.