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t h eo ry of Identityism ( w a h d a t - u l - w u j u d )3 4and the theory of Ad- This state has been re f e rred to by theSufisas Wa r a - u l - Wa r a T h e When Shams The author ofAwarif-ul-Maarif has it thus: . Quduntul-Kubra. 1 The FamilyofFatimah ( ) is the Ahl-ul- bait (People of the Nasai,as-Sunan-ul-kubra (5:80,95#8298,8365). 3. NasaiDhahabi,Shams-ud-Din Muhammad bin Ahmad. (673-748 .Maktabat-ul-maarif, 1405/1985. 70. Tabrani . SHAMSAL-MAARIFWA-LATAIF AL-AWARIF. 18C AD. OR 4327/1. ACS 825/1.33216-18. AL-DAMAGHANI. MAJMU AQAWIL AL-HUKAMAAL-MUNAJJIMIN. rf theshams al-ma'arif,whether kubra or not, has become a popular andwide-spread text Muhammadb. al-Buqrat al-Hamawi ul-siraf i, incairo. Leiden or..
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