As of June 2010, Microsoft has released DirectX 11 for Windows XP and other versions (http:/ Opens a new window/ Opens a new window - See System Requirements)
download directx 11 windows xp microsoft
Thanks for the info, I was about to download the new DirectX 11 from some blog site and then it occured to me that this is an update that usually happens with windows update. Looked all over the microsoft site and could not find any real conclusive evidence of a "finished" new version. After that, it only made sense to find some informative blogs about the new directx and found your site. Thanks bro! You really helped alot of people on this page.
I m facing some kind of problem while installing directx 11, as soon i start the intalation it says.............. [b]"microsoft.directx.audiovideoplayback.dll is currently in use by another application.. you must close any application using the component before setup can continue..." [/b]
There are many different websites that can download DirectX 9.0, but we recommend you download it from the website. It provides the Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime package that includes the DirectX 9 installer. Of course, you can directly download DirectX 9 package from a trusted third-party source.